Last Updated:
March 2024
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The SEMP follows and is a part of the continuous improvement cycle (Plan-Do-Check-Act) inherent to the internationally recognized ISO 14001 Environmental Management System (EMS) standard. The SEMP is also an element of Fort Johnson’s installation-wide EMS, which provides a framework for maintaining its environmental policy and managing the aspects of its operations that interact with the environment.

Following is a description of the phases of the PDCA cycle and how each phase applies to the SEMP:

Phase 1 – Planning. The organization identifies how its operations may adversely impact the environment and develops measures to control or reduce its impacts. This phase was accomplished through the preparation of the EIS, adoption of mitigation measures and development of a monitoring and evaluation plan (the SEMP).

Phase 2 – Doing. The organization implements measures to control/reduce adverse environmental impacts and implements them for a designated time period. This phase will be accomplished through the 20-year term (2004-2024) of the Special Use Permit authorizing Fort Johnson to use KNF lands.

Phase 3 – Checking. The organization assesses whether the mitigation measures it is implementing are proving effective. This phase will be accomplished through the monitoring and evaluation process established by the SEMP.

Phase 4 – Acting. The organization determines what changes are necessary based on the performance assessment in Phase 3. This phase will be accomplished through quarterly and annual Fort Johnson and KNF joint reviews of SEMP monitoring results.


            SEMP and ISO 140                     Environmental Management                             System