Last Updated:
March 2024
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The structure of the SEMP is shown in the figure below. The SEMP contains 5 goals and 14 objectives, which are linked to mitigation and environmental stewardship measures adopted in the Army and Forest Service Records of Decision for the 2004 Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for 2nd Armored Cavalry Regiment transformation, installation mission support, and long-term military training use of KNF lands. Three types of monitoring questions—implementation, effectiveness and validation—are specified in the SEMP for each of the 14 objectives. Metrics and green/amber/red performance target criteria are then established by a joint Fort Johnson-KNF Oversight Committee to assess whether goals and objectives are being met. A copy of the SEMP goals, objectives and monitoring questions is provided in Appendix V of the Final EIS.


Goals & Objectives

           SEMP Background:
        Goals, Objectives and                       Monitoring Questions