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March 2024
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FY22 performance monitoring results are available for thirteen SEMP objectives:

Overall performance results for FY22 are presented in the FY22 Monitoring Results Summary Tables. When averaged at the objective level, monitoring performance results were Green (positive/on track) for ten SEMP objectives, Amber (caution/improvement needed) for three objectives, and not available (N/A) for one objective. In total, of the 75 SEMP metrics with performance criteria, 83% were Green, 5% were Amber, and 12% were Red.

An additional 29 quarterly, semi-annual or annual metrics reported in FY22 do not have performance criteria (i.e., they are “data only” or observational metrics). These measures provide quantitative monitoring results to the Oversight Committee for evaluation of changes over time and other indicators.

For each Red performance result, the SEMP Oversight Committee determines whether or not a root cause analysis (RCA) will be conducted to identify the underlying cause(s) for the results. Red results were reported for twelve metrics (16%) in FY22; however, the Oversight Committee determined that zero RCAs were warranted because underlying factors for these results are known.

More detailed SEMP monitoring results are available in the FY22 Annual Report

               SEMP FY 2022                            Performance Results:
         How Are We Doing?